Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A bit more about myself

As mentioned, I've been doing this IT thing for about 8 years now, having started off working with VB6/VBA programming, and then moving on to introduce the .NET platform to Western Power. We faced the challenge of taking a small crew of VB6/Access developers (some of whom weren't fully OO-trained) and upgrading them into a .NET team, so needless to say we had a few challenges along the way.

But over time we got better and more efficient processes and tools, and had some big wins building various business & engineering applications. Despite tinkering with Java a little over the years (and getting several offers to convert myself), the tools and overall life cycle for the Microsoft platform always appealed for me, and I've never really looked back.

So when the opportunities at Western Power disappeared with their outsourcing, I'd jumped across to Fujitsu in April this year, and have loved the change of environment. I'm sitting over at Department of Health currently, having just wrapped up my first development project. As lead developer on a new system I got to bring in some great technologies in, the end result being a .NET 3.5 Windows Forms app using the .netTiers framework as a base.

Not only did we have great success with the platform, but its given me plenty ideas on further improvements to our processes that will let us deliver better next time around!

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